Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Amazing Hand of God

When we adopted Ethan from Ukraine, there were not many other families in our agency's Ukraine program. In contrast, AWAA's Ethiopia program today has close to 200 families! We families are able to connect through our blogs and yahoo groups. Hearing each other's stories is an inspirational part of the journey.

Here's two examples. I really hope you'll take the time to read these and see how incredibly God can work in and through the adoption process!

The Semlow family

The Foote family

Such glimpses of the providence of God and His active participation in our lives remind me what an awesome God we have. Here's another reminder from Psalm 40:
I waited and waited and waited for God.
At last he looked; finally he listened.
He lifted me out of the ditch,
pulled me from deep mud.
He stood me up on a solid rock
to make sure I wouldn't slip.
He taught me how to sing the latest God-song,
a praise-song to our God.
More and more people are seeing this:
they enter the mystery,
abandoning themselves to God.
Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God,
turn your backs on the world's "sure thing,"
ignore what the world worships;
The world's a huge stockpile
of God-wonders and God-thoughts.
Nothing and no one
comes close to you!

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